How to Track an Android Phone From An iphone

Losing or losing your Android telephone can be a disappointing and distressing experience. Whether it’s unintentionally abandoned some place or succumbed to burglary, not knowing where your gadget is can agitate. Luckily, assuming you have an iPhone, there are basic ways of finding that missing Android telephone. In this extensive aide, we’ll stroll through the moves toward find and possibly recuperating your Android gadget utilizing only your iPhone.

Why You Might Need to Track an Android Phone

There are a few normal situations where you might have to follow an Android telephone’s area from your iPhone:

  • Lost or Misplaced Phone: We’ve all accomplished that alarm while understanding our telephone isn’t where we thought it was. Following can assist with pinpointing its most recent area.
  • Stolen Device: In the lamentable occasion of burglary, the following gives an approach to possibly recuperate your telephone or if nothing else eradicate delicate information from a distance.
  • Monitoring Loved Ones:Many guardians use following applications to watch their kids’ areas for wellbeing purposes. Managers may likewise follow organization gave gadgets.
  • Finding a Friend’s Lost Phone:In the event that a companion or relative loses their Android, you can assist with finding it from your iPhone assuming they award you access.

Not an incredibly clear clarification, having the option to follow an Android from your iPhone can give genuine tranquility and a technique for taking action.

Setting Up Android Device for Tracking

Before you can follow an Android telephone from your iPhone, you’ll have to have a following application introduced and set up on the Android gadget itself. Here are some suggested applications and steps:

 Android Device for Tracking
  1. Google Find My Device: This free application from Google is pre-introduced on numerous Android telephones. In the event that not, download it from the Play Store. Sign in with your Google record and award the necessary consents.
  2. Life360:A well known family following application that allows you to screen areas and get cautions. Make a free record and introduce the application on the Android gadget.
  3. Other Options: There are different other following applications like FamiSafe, Hoverwatch, and FoneMonitor that offer extra checking highlights.

During arrangement, make a point to empower all essential consents like area access for the following application to appropriately work. It’s likewise smart to set a PIN or secret word to keep others from handicapping following.

Tracking an Android from iPhone

When you have a following application set up on the Android telephone, you can without much of a stretch track its area from your iPhone:

  1. Install Tracking App: Download and introduce a similar following application you set up on the Android (Google Track down My Gadget, Life360, and so forth) from the Application Store on your iPhone.
  2. Sign In: Send off the application and sign in with a similar record you utilized on the Android gadget.Award any authorizations mentioned by the application, for example, admittance to area administrations.
  3. Allow Permissions: Grant any permissions requested by the app, such as access to location services.
  4. View Device Location: The app will show you the current or last known location of the Android phone on a map interface. You may see additional details like a timestamp of the last location update.

Here’s an example screenshot of what the Google Find My Device app looks like on an iPhone, showing the location of an Android phone:

Show Image

Most following applications permit you to get successive updates on the gadget’s area as it moves, making it simpler to find a lost or taken telephone.

Additional Tracking Features

Beyond just seeing the location on a map, many Android tracking apps for iPhone offer extra features to assist in finding and securing your device:

  • Play Sound: Trigger a loud ringing sound on the missing Android phone to help locate it nearby if lost.
  • Remote Lock/Erase:Safeguard your information by remotely locking the Android or in any event, eradicating all happy assuming it has been taken.
  • Geofencing:Set up virtual borders and get alarms when the Android gadget enters or leaves those regions.
  • Location History: View previous locations to retrace where the phone has been.
  • Mark as Lost: Leave a message with your contact details on the Android’s lock screen in case it’s found by someone.

Utilizing these additional capabilities can increase your chances of retrieving a lost Android or at least keeping your personal information secure.

Tips for Successful Tracking

For constant area refreshes, the Android telephone needs a functioning web association through WiFi or cell information.

  • Ensure Android is Online: For real-time location updates, the Android phone needs an active internet connection through WiFi or cellular data.
  • Keep Tracking App Running: Don’t force quit or disable the tracking app on either the Android or iPhone. It needs to run in the background for continuous monitoring.
  • Grant Necessary Permissions: Regularly check that you’ve granted all required permissions to the tracking app on both devices for full functionality.
  • Maintain Battery Life: A dead Android phone can’t be tracked. Keep the device charged or make sure to note its last known location before the battery dies.
  • Have Android Sign-In Info: Know the Google account details associated with the Android phone in case you need to access tracking data from another device.

Following these best practices will maximize your chances of successfully locating that missing Android using your iPhone.

What if Tracking Doesn’t Work?

Despite your best efforts, there may be instances where you run into issues with tracking an Android phone from your iPhone. Some common problems include:

  • App Crashing or Not Updating Location: Try force quitting and relaunching the tracking app, or reinstalling it on either device.
  • Incorrect Location Data: Tracking uses various location services which can sometimes provide inaccurate coordinates. Actually look at that GPS, WiFi, and cell administrations are empowered.
  • Android is Offline or Battery is Dead:On the off chance that the Android telephone has no web access or runs out of battery, its area not entirely settled until it’s back on the web.

 On the off chance that you’ve depleted all investigating steps nevertheless can’t get following to work appropriately, feel free to out to the application designer’s client service for additional help.

 If all else fails, in the event that you unequivocally suspect your Android telephone has been taken, you ought to report the burglary to the legitimate specialists and give any area information or following data you have. Policing have the option to recuperate the gadget or research further.


Can you track an Android with an iPhone?

es, you can track an Android with an iPhone using apps like Google Find My Device or third-party apps like Life360. Ensure both devices have the necessary app installed and permissions granted.

Is there a way to share location between Android and iPhone?

Yes, you can share your location between Android and iPhone using apps like Google Maps or WhatsApp. Both platforms support these apps for cross-platform location sharing.

Can you use Find My Friends between iPhone and Android?

No, you cannot use Find My Friends between iPhone and Android as it is an iOS-exclusive app. However, you can use alternatives like Google Maps’ location sharing or third-party apps like Life360 for cross-platform tracking.

Is there a Find My iPhone for Samsung?

Yes, Samsung offers a similar service called “Find My Mobile.” It allows users to locate, lock, and erase their Samsung devices remotely.


With the right following application introduced on both your Android telephone and iPhone, you can undoubtedly monitor your gadget’s area. Setting up following early and following prescribed procedures allows you the best opportunity at finding a lost or taken Android utilizing only your iPhone. While not a perfect framework, the comfort of Android-to-iPhone following gives significant inner serenity.

The key is to set up a reliable tracking app like Google’s Find My Device or Life360 on your Android ahead of time. Once enabled and granting the necessary permissions, these apps allow you to sign in on your iPhone and view the Android’s current or last known location on a map.

Abbas Ali
Abbas Ali

Abbas Ali is a seasoned professional with over 7 years of experience in jobs research and mobile review mastery. As a dedicated shopkeeper, Abbas has honed the art of finding and applying for online jobs, making him an expert in guiding others through the process. In addition to his job research expertise, he is also a trusted name in mobile phone sales, providing insightful reviews and helping customers choose the best devices. Abbas's unique combination of skills makes him a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the world of online employment or find the perfect mobile device.

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